We are still moored at Trent Lock ! Got a few bitsy-bodsy jobs to do, so we going to be here at least till next Wednesday --- maybe longer. Not that I mind cos it’s nice being able to see family and friends. Dai getting a bit wanderlust ---- of course the most we’ve stayed in one place before here is when we were iced in for 7 weeks last winter.
Jan who is based at Trent Lock (
Jan Deuchar, Boat Sign Writer and Artist) has painted a “funky dragon” over the back doors of the boat and it looks great - see what you think from photos below!
Met up with old friends Archie and Jackie last Saturday for a few pints at the Steamboat pub here at Trent Lock so it was good to see them, and Dai visited his old workplace to catch up with the chaps there.
Our neighbours where we are moored who live in a houseboat gave us a big bucket full of damsons this morning so guess what I’m doing over next few days ----- just hoping I’ve got enough empty jars! We haven’t quite used up all the blackberry jam made last year but are on the last jar of damson so very timely.
Still waiting for a daylong day of glorious sunshine to get the solar array working at top whack ---- lots of sunshine this week but not all day long.
Since last blog we have done … 0 miles and 0 locks
Total since Setting Off ….. 1421 miles and 1165 locks
the solar array |
Trent Lock |